Sacred Saint Guan's Classic of Real World Consciousness Awakening
帝君曰 The Sacred Deity said
人生在世 "People living in this world (should)
貴盡忠孝 honor loyalty to the ruler,
節義等事 perform one's filial duty and have integrity in such matters.
方於人道無愧 On humanity, not being able to look people straight in the eye,
sowing discord in one's scope of operation and not being loyal to the rule(r),
failing to perform one's filial duty and lacking integrity in such matters;
身雖在世 although one is here on earth,
其欺已死 one's conscious is already dead.
是謂偷生 This is called dragging out an ignoble existence.
凡人心卽神 In this mortal world, the conscience is the spirit
神卽心 and the spirit is the conscience.
無愧心 If the heart is clear,
無愧神 then the spirit is clear.
若是欺心 If one disregards the dictates of one's own conscience,
便是欺神 then in that case, one is cheating one's own spirit.
Therefore the ancient ones of noble character and virtue follow the Three Reverences and the Four
Knowledges 以慎其獨 and exersize caution.
勿謂室可欺 Don't say one can in a dark obscure place or
room. 屋漏可愧 The roof may still leak in some clear conscience.
一動一靜 One moment moving, the next still.
神明鑑察 The gods examine and study one,
十目十手 and one will be under the glare,
理所必至 naturally.
況報應昭昭 The judgment will be clear and evident,
不爽毫髮 without the slightest deviation.
淫為萬惡首 Lewdness is the head of all sins.
孝為百行原 Filial piety is the source of hundreds of
good behavior patterns. 但有逆理 However, there is still an opposing
principle. 於心有愧者 In a heart that is abashed,
勿謂有利而行之 don't say 'If it's advantageous, then
do it' 凡有合理 (This is) the mortal world's
rationalization. 於心無愧者 In a heart with a clear conscience
勿謂無利而不行 don't say 'If it's not
advantageous, then don't do it'. 若負吾教 If one fails my teachings,
請試吾刀 please try my sword.
敬天地 Respect heaven and earth,
禮神明 the gods
奉祖先 and one's ancestors.
孝雙親 Be filial to one's parents.
守王法 (Be) loyal to the king
重師尊 and value the principles of
your teachers. 愛右弟 Love your brother.
信朋友 Trust your friends.
睦宗族 Be on friendly terms with a
clan 和鄉鄰 and with persons from the
same rural neighborhood. 別夫婦 A nice husband and wife
教子孫 teach their children an
grandchildren. {Then the deity began to speak in stanzas}
(1) 時行方便 And when the time is right
(2) 廣積陰功 Expand and amass one's unpublished good deeds
(3) 救難濟急 Relieve the distressed and the needy
(4) 恤孤貧憐 Relieve the orphaned and commiserate the poor
(5) 創修廟宇 Rebuild the temples
(6) 印造經文 Print Classic Texts (or Sutras)
(7) 捨藥施茶 Apply medicine and bestow tea
(8) 戒殺放生 Stop killing, (instead,) buy fish, birds and animals and set them free
(9) 造橋修路 Build bridges and repair the roads
(10) 矜寡拔困 Support the hardship of the widower and the widow
(11) 重粟惜福 Consider grain and millet of value and refrain from leading an excessively comfortable life
(12) 排難解紛 Mediate disputes
(13) 捐資成美 Donate one's property and assist others in achieving their objectives
(14) 垂訓教人 Train and teach people
(15) 冤仇解釋 Analyze revenge
(16) 斗秤公平 Be fair (regarding wieght and volume)
(17) 親近有德 Close to one's virtue
(18) 遠避凶人 Far from one's enemies
(19) 隱惡揚善 Cover up another's bad deeds and praise his
virtue(s) (20) 利物救民 Use things and save the masses
(21) 回心向道 Set one's mind toward the Tao
(22) 改過自新 Correct one's errors and make a fresh start
(23) 滿腔仁慈 Have one's bosom filled with benevolence
(24) 惡念不存 Evil thoughts not in existence
(25) 一切善事 All things good
(26) 信心奉行 Confident in performing rituals as
instructed (27) 人雖不見 Although people may not see it
(28) 神已早聞 The gods (already) heard it earlier
(29) 加福增壽 Increasing blessings and longevity
(30) 添子益孫 More children and grandchildren
(31) 災消病滅 Dissolving disasters and decreasing sickness
(32) 禍患不侵 Misfortune will not aggress
(33) 人物咸寧 People and things wholly at peace
(34) 吉星照臨 The lucky star will shine on you
(1) 若存惡心 If there is evilness in one's heart
(2) 不行善事 Not doing good deeds
(3) 淫人妻女 Being lewd with (others) wives and daughters
(4) 破人婚姻 Breaking up marriages
(5) 壞人名節 Being evil (while acting like one) with honor and integrity
(6) 妒人技能 Envious of others' capabilities
(7) 謀人財產 And the resourceful man's property
(8) 唆人爭訟 Instigating arguments
(9) 損人利己 Benefiting oneself at the expense of others
(10) 肥家潤身 Living to fat
(11) 恨天恕地 Hating heaven and angry at the earth
(12) 罵雨呵地 Cursing the rain and scolding the wind
(13) 謗聖毀賢 Slandering the Sacred Ones and ruining the worthy
(14) 滅像欺神 Destroying statues and imposeing on the Gods
(15) 宰殺牛犬 Slaughtering cows and dogs
(16) 穢溺字紙 Dirtying and submerging written papers
(17) 恃勢欺善 Abusing ones position and influences
(18) 倚富壓貧 Depending on the rich, oppressing the impoverished
(19) 離人骨肉Abandoning kindred
(20) 間人兄弟 Raping brethren
(21) 不信正道 Disbelieving the real Tao
(22) 奸盜邪淫 Being an evil lewd thief
(23) 好尚奢詐 Esteeming wasteful extravagance
(24) 不重勤儉 Slighting the diligent and thrifty
(25) 輕棄五轂 Disregarding the five major grains
(26)不報有恩 Ever so gracefully not reciprocating
(27) 瞞心昧己 Unconscionable and self deceiving
(28) 大斗小秤 Tampering with volumes and weights (for one's own illegitimate profit)
(29) 假立邪教 Establishing perverse religious sects
(30) 引誘愚人 Enticing fools
(31) 詭說升天 Contradicting ascension
(32) 斂物行淫 Hoarding materialistic items and being lewd
(33) 明瞞暗騙 Clearly very mean and secretly cheating
(34) 橫言曲語 Double talk and crooked speech
(35) 白日咒詛 Cursing and swearing in the day
(36) 背地謀害 Stabbing people in the back
(37) 不存天理 Negating the existence of
heavenly principles (38) 不順人心 Not getting along with people
(39) 不信報應 Not believing in cause and effect
(40) 引人作惡 Leading people to wickedness
(41) 不修片善 Not cultivating goodness
(42) 行諸惡事 Committing all evils
(43) 官詞口舌 Raising lawsuits and
disputes (44) 水火盜賊 Being bandits and
robbers (45) 惡毒瘟疫 Evil poison, extreme
misery and pestilent epidemic plagues (46) 生敗產蠢 Doltishly defeating
wriggling life (47) 殺身亡家 Killing people and
ruining families (48) 男盜女淫 The male stealing,
the female being loose (49) 近報在身 With sooner
retribution on the self (50) 遠報子孫 And later
retribution on the children and grandchildren.
{Part IV: Conclusion}
(51) 神明鑒察 The gods will examine and study
(52) 毫髮不紊 With no confusion
(53) 善惡兩途 The two ways: Good and evil
(54) 禍福攸分 Misfortune and blessings to be divided
(55) 行善福報 Good doers to be blessed
(56) 作惡禍臨 Evil doers, evil will descend
(57) 經作斯語 Me giving this speech
(58) 願人奉行 Is the wish of all the faithful in performing rituals as instructed (58) 言雖淺近 Although this speech is fundamental
(59) 大益身心 It will greatly augment one's mind and body
(60) 戲侮經言 Make fun of it (?)
(61) 斬首分形 Separation: decapitation style
(62) 有能持誦 If one can uphold recitation (of this text)
(63) 消凶聚慶 Dissolve evilness and gather felicity
(64) 求子得子 Request a boy, get a boy
(65) 求壽得壽 Requst longevity, get longevity
(66) 富貴功名 Riches, honor and an official rank
(67) 皆能有成 All can be achieved
(68) 凡有所祈 For all prayers
(69) 如意而獲 Will achieve what one wishes
(70) 萬禍雪消 Myriads of misfortune melt like snow
(71) 千祥雲集 A thousand auspicious clouds converge
(72) 諸如此福 All with blessings
(73) 惟善可致 Spiritual excellence may be achieved
(74) 經本無私 I am selfless and unselfish
(75) 惟佑善人 To spiritually aid the good people
(76) 眾善奉行 So that the good people will perform
rituals as instructed (77) 毋怠厥志。 (完) Don't neglect this will." [fin]
6th generation Grand Master
Baak Mou Jiu
7th generation Grand Masters
Hung Yiu Jung and
Hung Keung Saang
7th generation Masters
Tom Sek,
Dang Cheukwa,
Dang Yudung,
Hung Wongdak,
Liu Gengji
Wu Siunam
Grand Master
Hung Gum Pui -
8th generation Elder Master
Dang Bouyi -
Hung Oikwan -
Honorable President
Hung Jak Pui -
Choi Gingman
Vice President
Jeung Lai Gwan -
Liu Gwong Sam -
8th generation Masters
Canonball Jung,
Hung Syusam, and
Lee Choisaang -
NY Chief Supervisor Sifu Jai -
NY Elder Master
Yeung Kai -
NY Master
Faan-tung Auffrey
NY Instructors
Biu Thomas,
Pow Affoumado, -
Mad Dog Fleming,
Fay Rivera
Buns Perez -
Lee Ying Fung -
Director of Entertainment
Tiffany Ling
{Part II: What one should do}
{Part III: What One Should Not Do}
18 Arhat -
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