Hung Fut Pai Vice President (HQ)

Hung Fut Pai Master: Master Hung Oi Kwan

She's beautiful and seems frail, but her "Fuk-fu-kyun" is really powerful!

See more of the vice president

Woman's Self Defense Class
6th generation Grand Master Baak Mou Jiu - 7th generation Grand Master Hung Yiu Jung
7th generation Masters Tom Sek, Dang Cheukwa, Dang Yudung, Hung Wongdak, Liu Gengji and Wu Siunam
8th (current) generation Grand Master Hung Gum Pui - 8th generation Elder Master Dang Bouyi
8th generation Masters Canonball Jung, Hung Syusam,and Lee Choisaang
9th generation Masters Yeung kai, Choi Gingman, Sifu Jai, and Faan-tung Auffrey
10th generation Instructors Paul "Biu" Thomas, 'Pow' Affoumado, Mad Dog Fleming, Fat Tiger Rivera, Buns Perez and Lick Chavarria
Hung Fut Pai of New York contact: